domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

How To Install Fail2Ban On CentOS

How To Install Fail2Ban On CentOS 7

The first step we need to take for installing Fail2Ban on our CentOS machine is to make sure that we have root privileges, the following command will help to login as a user with root privileges.

su root
The command for logging as root is shown below.
su root
And the prompt changes.
Once the user has gained full privileges on the system guaranteed by being root it is time to get into some real action. The next step consists in installing the epel-release which will help us to install extra packages from EPEL(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) on our CentOS machine.
The following command will do the entire job for you.
yum install epel-release
Once the installation is finished you will be gifted with access to alot of new packages.and one of those is fail2ban which can be installed by using the following command.
yum install fail2ban
The above screenshot shows the command need to be used in order to install fail2ban on CentOS machines.
Type and hit Enter on your keyboard.
y again.
The installation of fail2ban is finished now.
There are also many dependencies being installed such as fail2ban-firewall, fail2ban-sendmail, fail2ban-systemd, fail2ban-server and some others.

A Very Basic Configuration

Fail2Ban is a very complicated tool and requires deep knowledge to be used the right way so instead of explaining it on this tutorial I  will do a

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