Command | Description | Example |
Container Commands | ||
docker create | Create a new container from an image. | docker create ubuntu:latest |
docker start | Start with one or more stop containers. | docker start my-container |
docker stop | Stop running one or more containers. | docker stop my-container |
docker restart | Restart one or more running containers. | docker restart my-container |
docker pause | Pause the process inside a running container. | docker pause my-container |
docker unpause | Unpause the process inside a paused container. | docker unpause my-container |
docker rename | Rename the container. | docker rename my-container new-container-name |
docker rm | Remove one or more containers. | docker rm my-container |
docker ps | List the running containers on the host. | docker ps |
docker stats | Display real-time resource usage statistics for one or more containers. | docker stats my-container |
docker top | Display the processes running inside a container. | docker top my-container |
docker logs | Display the logs generated by the container. | docker logs my-container |
Image Commands | ||
docker pull | This command is used to pull an image from a Docker registry. | docker pull ubuntu:latest |
docker build | This command is used to build a new Docker image from a Dockerfile. | docker build -t my-image. |
docker push | This command is used to push a Docker image to a Docker registry. | docker push my-image |
docker tag | This command is used to tag a Docker image with a new name or version. | docker tag my-image my-image:latest |
docker rmi | This command is used to remove one or more Docker images. | docker rmi my-image |
docker images | This command is used to list the Docker images available on the host. | docker images |
docker history | This command is used to display the history of a Docker image. | docker history my-image |
docker save | This command is used to save a Docker image to a tar archive. | docker save my-image -o my-image.tar |
docker load | This command is used to load a Docker image from a tar archive. | docker load -i my-image.tar |
Network Commands | ||
docker network create | Create a new Docker network | docker network create my-network |
docker network connect | Connect a container to a Docker network | docker network connect my-network my-container |
docker network disconnect | Disconnect the container from the Docker network | docker network disconnect my-network my-container |
docker network ls | List the Docker networks on the host | docker network ls |
docker network inspect | Display detailed information about the Docker network | docker network inspect my-network |
docker network rm | Remove Docker network | docker network rm my-network |
Volume Commands | ||
docker volume create | This command is used to create a new Docker volume. | docker volume create my-volume |
docker volume ls | This command is used to list the Docker volumes on the host. | docker volume ls |
docker volume inspect | This command is used to display detailed information about a Docker volume. | docker volume inspect my-volume |
docker volume rm | This command is used to remove a Docker volume. | docker volume rm my-volume |
docker run -v | This option is used to create and mount a volume to a container at runtime. | docker run -v my-volume:/app/data my-image |
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' | This command is used to display the mount information of a container, including the volume(s) it's using. | docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' my-container |
System Commands | ||
docker version | This command displays the Docker version information that is currently installed on the system. | docker version |
docker info | This command displays Docker system-wide information, including the number of running containers, images, and storage driver information. | docker info |
docker events | This command shows the real-time events from the Docker daemon, such as container creation, deletion, or network creation. | docker events |
docker system df | This command shows the disk usage of the Docker system, including space used by images, containers, and volumes. | docker system df |
docker system prune | This command is used to free up disk space by removing all unused resources, including containers, images, volumes, and networks. | docker system prune |
docker login | This command is used to log in to a Docker registry. You need to authenticate it before pushing or pulling images. | docker login |
docker logout | This command is used to log out from the Docker registry. | docker logout |
Docker Compose Commands | ||
docker-compose up | Create and start all containers defined in the Compose file. | docker-compose up |
docker-compose down | Stop and remove all containers defined in the Compose file. | docker-compose down |
docker-compose build | Build or rebuild the services defined in the Compose file. | docker-compose build |
docker-compose start | Start all containers defined in the Compose file. | docker-compose start |
docker-compose stop | Stop all containers defined in the Compose file. | docker-compose stop |
docker-compose logs | Displays the logs of all containers defined in the Compose file. | docker-compose logs |
Docker Swarm Commands | ||
docker swarm init | Initialize a new Docker Swarm cluster on the current Docker host. | docker swarm init --advertise-addr <manager-node-ip-address> |
docker swarm join | Join a Docker Swarm cluster as a worker node or manager node. | docker swarm join --token <join-token> <manager-node-ip-address>:<port> |
docker swarm leave | Leave the Docker Swarm cluster by stopping and removing the node from the cluster. | docker swarm leave --force |
docker stack deploy | Deploy the Docker stack to the Docker Swarm cluster. | docker stack deploy --compose-file <docker-compose-file> <stack-name> |
docker service rm | Remove the service from the Docker Swarm cluster. | docker service rm <service-name> |
docker service create | Creates a new service in the Docker Swarm cluster. | docker service create --name <service-name> --replicas <number-of-replicas> <image-name> |
docker service ls | List all services in the Docker Swarm cluster. | docker service ls |
Registry Commands | ||
docker login | Log in to the Docker registry server. | docker login |
docker logout | Log out from the Docker registry server. | docker logout |
docker search | Searches for an image on Docker Hub or other registries. | docker search nginx |
docker pull | Pull an image from the registry to your local machine. | docker pull nginx |
docker push | Push an image from your local machine to register. | docker push |
docker tag | Tags an image with a new name and/or tag. | docker tag myimage |
Debugging Commands | ||
docker ps | This command lists all the running containers with their details such as container ID, image used, command, status, etc. | docker ps |
docker logs | This command shows the logs of a container. | docker logs container_name |
docker exec | This command is used to execute a command inside a running container. | docker exec container_name ls -l / |
docker inspect | This command is used to get detailed information about a container or an image. | docker inspect container_name |
docker port | This command is used to list the port mappings of a container. | docker port container_name |
docker top | This command is used to see the processes running inside a container. | docker top container_name |
Dockerfile Commands | ||
FROM | set the base image to build the Dockerfile. | FROM ubuntu:latest |
RUN | run the command during the image building process. | RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl |
COPY | copy files and directories from the host into the Docker image. | COPY app /app |
CMD | specifies the default command to run the container starts. | CMD ["node", "app.js"] |
WORKDIR | set the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, or ADD commands that follow it. | WORKDIR /app |
ENV | sets of environmental variables that can be used during the image building process or when the container is running. | ENV NODE_ENV production |
EXPOSE | document the ports that the container listens to at runtime. | EXPOSE 8080 |
VOLUME | create a mount point for the volume in the container. | VOLUME /data |
USER | set the user or UID to where the container should run as. | USER node |
Multi-Stage Build Commands | ||
FROM | Specify the base image to start the build process. | FROM alpine:latest |
WORKDIR | Set a working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, and ADD commands that follow it. | WORKDIR /app |
COPY | Copying files or directories from the build context into the container. Suitable for multiple uses. | COPY /app/ |
RUN | Executes a command inside the container during build time. | RUN pip install -r requirements.txt |
ARG | Declares a variable that can be passed on to the Docker build command using --build-arg. | ARG version |
CMD or ENTRYPOINT | During container startup, both are Dockerfile instructions that specify what command to run. | ["python", ""] |
ENV | Sets environment variables for the container. | ENV |
LABEL | Label describes an image or container as a key-value pair. | LABEL <'key'>=<'value'> |
Health Check Commands | ||
HEALTHCHECK | Using this command, you can check the health of a container. | HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=3s CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1 |
docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health}}' <container> | Using this command, you can inspect a container's health status and get detailed information about its current state. | docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health}}' my-container |
docker container ls --filter health=unhealthy | This command is used to list all containers that have a failed health check. | docker container ls --filter health=unhealthy |
Config Commands | ||
docker config create | Creates a new config with the specified name and content. | docker config create myconfig myconfig.txt |
docker config inspect | Displays detailed information about the config. | docker config inspect myconfig |
docker config ls | List all configs. | docker config ls |
docker config rm | Remove one or more configs. | docker config rm myconfig |
docker config update | Updates the config with new content. | docker config update myconfig myconfig-updated.txt |
docker service create | Create a new service with one or more configs. | docker service create --name myservice --config source=myconfig,target=/app/config.txt myimage |
docker service update | Update a service with one or more configs. | docker service update --config-rm myoldconfig --config-add mynewconfig myservice |
Buildx Commands | ||
docker buildx ls | List all the available builders. | docker buildx ls |
docker buildx create | Creates a new builder instance. | docker buildx create --name mybuilder |
docker buildx use | Sets the current builder context. | docker buildx use mybuilder |
docker buildx inspect | Displays detailed information about the current builder instance. | docker buildx inspect --bootstrap |
docker buildx build | Builds an image using the current builder context. | docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t myimage:latest |
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